To put yourself out on a big river #czechrepublic

A few weeks ago me and sixteen other persons from my paddleclub began a long journey by car. Most of us got up around six am just so we could gather at the clubhouse at seven am. Then we packed our canoes, kayaks and paddles on the trailer and our equipment in the minibuses. And, not to forget, all our baggage. We said goodbye to our loved ones and began our little more than a day long journey.
There was a competition when we first came to Veltrusy. As we wouldn't get access to the cabins before the competition was over, we just sat by the river and looked at the competitors taking themselves through the gates in the right order. As every minute passed by I got more and more excited about this trainingcamp, and as a matter of fact I had already been over-excited about this whole thing for a few months.
After a few competitors had completed their races, the time finally came for the C1 women to make their way down the course. They were really good! As I prefer the C1 this was, according to me, the highlight of the competition.
After the competition was over, we got the keys to our cabins. We were about six persons in each of them. We settled ourselves, bedded our beds and got our baggage packed up. (Yes, of course we made that by ourselves! Who else would make it??? I wouldn't want anyone else doing my stuff...) We ate some food and got on the water. We had water between five and seven pm. Before we got on the water we reconnoitred the rapids, as you always should do before you paddle a new river. Why did we do that? Because we want to know how the rapids looks, and what risks we may bump into. However, this session was so much fun! We got to know a new river, and for many of us this was the biggest slalom course we had ever paddled. This includes me! After the session we ate supper, got to bed and talked for a while before we finally fell asleep.
A long time before the trainingcamp had started, all of us had heard rumours that the World Cup was taking place when we would be in Czech Republic. This is the thing that made me even more excited! I knew that Jessica Fox would participate in this competition. Maybe you wonder why that made me so excited? Because she is my role model! She prefers the C1 and so do I. She is the best C1 woman in the world, and that's what I also want to be. Anyhow, we got to see the World Cup in Prague. I had been so excited over the fact that I maybe would meet Jessica Fox, and guess what?! I did!!! This was the best thing that had ever happened to me! Call me silly if you want to, I don't care. I talked to her for about five minutes after her C1 qualification run. She is really nice! I also asked her if I could get a picture with her, and of course she said yes. I was so happy!
So far, from my point of view, this is the biggest experience in my whole career. I've met the best C1 woman in the world, who is also my role model that I really look up to! I've paddled in a really fun river that has big waves, stoppers that aren't too big and really fun gate combinations! I've got great new experiences and we have grown stronger as a group. Everyone have been really supportive. To get to an end I want to tell you something. This is really important and something to put on your mind.
In almost every sport, everyone treat each other like enemies, being rude and not so nice towards each other. Not everyone helps each other. In canoe slalom I've experienced the straight opposite! Everyone, no matter the level helps each other. The elite takes care of the beginners. Everyone can give tips to each other, and everyone listens to eachother. Everyone support each other, even if you're not from the same club. Canoe Slalom is the only sport where everyone are like a great, big family. This is one of the factors that makes me feel so at home in this sport. 
XOXO Lovisa

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