My list, beautiful you, I'm back to stay!

Hi guys! I know it has been a looooong time since last time I actually wrote something! That's really weird, because it've happened SO many things and I don't know what to write about it! But alright, here's a list of a few things I'll try to write about! Some things maybe sounds weird, but you'll probably understand when time comes and I write about it. So... Get ready:

1. Swedish Masterchip (or if you call it championship, whatever)
2. My arms (overworked/ tendinitis? The nerve in my arms)
3. School (homework/national tests/stress/whatever)
4. Singing (ooh la la! I'm unpredictable, expect everything! Something that has with music to do)
5. Bunny jumping (me and my bunny's training/ pictures/ presentation)
6. My other animals (probably a long post with both pictures and presentations and whatever goes with that.
7. Something random, obviously I'm a random person so you just gotta deal with it!
8. Stretching/ gym (what it means to me/ the meanings of it/ my goals with stretching)
9. Thursday, the first training session in three weeks (I've had a break from paddling due to my tendinitis)
10. Me getting interviewed for a book (it has to do with one of my allergies and a few more things I think, I'll keep you updated about that!
11. "My" sport (what canoe slalom means to me)

Now you hopefully have at least something to look forward to! I won't write about all these things in the exact order, but I will write about all of it! 
Love always

XOXO Lovisa

PS: yes, it's me on the picture! Remember: all of you guys are beautiful, loved and unreplaceable!